Friday, September 19, 2008

Romantic Comedies

I personally enjoyed reading Mcdonald's Boy Meets Girl it had interesting ideas on how
genres have certain elements thats make them what they are. There was a part in the
chapter that talked about the love story is in every film. Even if a film isnt a romcom
there always seems to be a love story. Love just happens to be a universal idea. I have
watched a few romcoms, but it does seem to have the same theme of boy meets girl,
loses girl and wins her back. Sometimes the film starts with the characters having an
unsuitable partner and loses him or her and gets the other partner and they happily ever
after. I do believe sometimes romcoms tend to depress people because after the film
their like "Why havent i found love?" or "Why cant you be more like the character in the
film?" In way it feeds the idea of true love people search for and might never find it like
the books says love is the myth of adults like Santa Claus is for kids. In way it makes
women look bad as always looking for a man and were just consumers buying things or
looking good for the reach of love.

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