Monday, September 22, 2008

Coffee Bean on a Friday night?

This going to sound lame, but my friend and I usually like to get coffee if we both have
nothing to do on a Friday night. This time she just came from a movie with her friend and
sister and she swang by to pick me up. We went to the Coffeee Bean by my old high
school on Hillhurst.
The people I first noticed were this couple sitting down. They both seem to be on a first
date since they both had pretty formal wear and seem pretty conservative. The girl was
wearing a white dress and this guy a long sleeve light shirt. They were talking and
laughing a little bit. The guy had his right leg crossed over his left leg not sure if that
means anything. The girl had her legs crossed. They werent there for a long time. He did
hold the door for her after the left could mean hes trying to establish a relationship with
The second group were a bunch of guys playing cards. They were four of them im
guessing Armenian. All of them had casual clothes since they just hanging out with each
other not going any where special. One of them was smoking and one was texting most
of the time. They seem to be pretty close friends they were laughing and playing around
with each other.
The third group were two couples. Each of the couple were talking to each other showing
pictures and other stuff to each other. One of the couples the girl was touching the guys
neck and holding his arm she was very affectionate with him. The guy responded by
holding unto her. The other couple not so much. This could mean it depends on how long
the couples have been together. It is said when a couple first starts their more
affectionate with each other. If you been with the person for a while not so much.
So each relationship could be established just by observing them through their body
language and interaction with each other. Some of them seem pretty happy just to be
around each others company. Coffee shops are a place that not only couples go but also
friends. It does seem like most of the people is things we seen on movies or read on
books. Like Mcdonalds book says you can see the elements in real life what makes a
romcom. Love does seem to be a universal theme.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Romantic Comedies

I personally enjoyed reading Mcdonald's Boy Meets Girl it had interesting ideas on how
genres have certain elements thats make them what they are. There was a part in the
chapter that talked about the love story is in every film. Even if a film isnt a romcom
there always seems to be a love story. Love just happens to be a universal idea. I have
watched a few romcoms, but it does seem to have the same theme of boy meets girl,
loses girl and wins her back. Sometimes the film starts with the characters having an
unsuitable partner and loses him or her and gets the other partner and they happily ever
after. I do believe sometimes romcoms tend to depress people because after the film
their like "Why havent i found love?" or "Why cant you be more like the character in the
film?" In way it feeds the idea of true love people search for and might never find it like
the books says love is the myth of adults like Santa Claus is for kids. In way it makes
women look bad as always looking for a man and were just consumers buying things or
looking good for the reach of love.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

cat on a hot tin roof

I never read cat on a hot tin roof just the title was pretty ambiguous to me. After reading it was pretty ambiguous how the cat is a metaphor for Maggie. In what way is she a cat? How a cat can jump off a roof and land on its feet and pick herself right up or having nine lives and she can survive any life she lives. The relationship between Maggie and Brick its pretty ambiguous on how why Brick wouldnt sleep with Maggie? It's obvious why Maggie married Brick for money(this seem to me like a streotype a women only marries men with money), its unclear why Brick is still with her if he doesn't love her. Also the relationship on Brick and Skipper, Were they lovers or just good friends? It is hinted that they were probably more than just friends, but it's not clear.
Also the relationship between Big Mama and Big Daddy. Big Daddy is 65 years old and he seems pretty miserable with Big Mama. But why until now is he admitting to it? The ambiguity between the characters why they remain in relationships that they are not happy with is unknown.

Monday, September 1, 2008

The Blog

I never did a blog so im new to this not sure if i did it right...also i dont have the book yet because thier all gone in the bookstore so im dreading to go to class tomorrow.